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spider-verse art book pdf y formato físico . Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – The Art of the Movie (Art book) Phil Lord y Christopher Miller, dos de los creadores de The Lego Movie y 21 Jump Street, nos traen una nueva visión de un Universo Spider-Man diferente, con un estilo visual innovador. Este alucinante libro contiene el arte conceptual, bocetos, storyboards y todo el desarrollo 14.12.2018 10.04.2019 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse The Art of the Movie contains a collection of concept art, sketches, and storyboards from the animated Spider-Man film featuring Miles Morales. This book also includes exclusive commentary from the creators, plus a foreword written by comic book … 30.03.2020 3.12.2018 28.09.2019

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